31 October, 2006

HASH TRASH - Run 653

HASH TRASH - Run 653
Hares: Twin Peaks aided by Bravefart
Hash at the Speed of Live
Last Wednesday and Thursday, all the wellsprings of the great deep burst forth and the floodgates of the heavens were opened. On Friday, Twin Peaks and Bravefart laid a "bee-yootiful trail" -- so we were told -- which subsequently washed away on Saturday, leaving them no recourse but to do a Live Hare.
For those who don't know, this is a Hash in which the Hares get a head start of several minutes in which to lay the trail. If the hounds catch up with them during the course of the run, well, you can just imagine the consequences.*
After the Hares took off, there was some debate as to whether the head start was for two minutes or three. Fer Fox Sake said with certainty that it was three... or two... and eventually settled on two and a half.** Thanks to this generosity of spirit, the Hares actually had to hide behind a building while the pack passed, after which they snuck round the back and continued onwards. Meanwhile, the hounds were wandering about, wondering why the trail had disappeared. Eventually, however, it was picked up again and On-on we went.
The run was conducted at a leisurely gait, as some were in the final stages of training for the New York City Marathon, which takes place this coming weekend in New  York City, of all places, while Deliverance had just completed the Eilat Triathlon. The conversation, therefore, deviated from the ever-compelling subject of hydration accessories, to center around the even more fascinating if slightly creepy subject of leg hair removal in male marathoners. And again, we make note of the emergence of she-maledom in the Holyland HHH and mourn the absence of more pleasant topics, like nipple chafing.
The Down-downs included a "Congratulations" to Deliverance, a big "Good Luck" send-off to the NYC Marathoners, and "Well Dones" to those who had never done a Live Hare or a Hash without a halfway point before. Boston Creamed also asked all to lift a glass to friend and mentor Robert Rosenberg, poet, author and true newsman, who died last week, too young and too soon.
On the subject of them wot can't hold their likker, Dead Boring wished to point out that his NIS 380 bar bill was only one-third of the infamous Brit boyz nite out. His take on his worried mate's remonstrations: "You should hear it with a hangover".
* A Down-down -- what did you think?
**Web research reveals that most other Hashes give 10 minutes -- but who's counting?
FRBs: Dead Boring, Stroker
Triathaloner: Deliverance
NIS 380 Bar Bill: Dead Boring (for incurring it), Boston Creamed (for writing about it)
NYC Marathoners: Captain Caveman, Fer Fox Sake, Goldmember, Twin Peaks
Smooth n' Silky: Captain Caveman
Run wi/No Breaks: C3P0, Liz, R2D2
Dead Friend: Boston Creamed
Time: 3:00 pm
Date: November 4, 2006
Place: Ramat HaSharon Cemetery, Morasha Junction
Dead Boring writes:
Take the 5 towards Ariel. Go past the tennis centre then leave the 5 at the exit for the 4. Go down the slip road then straight on as if going back on the 5. Take first right and park in the Ramat Ha Sharon cemetery car park.
These directions were written by Dead boring. However they were explained to him over the phone by a pissed up Dr Do-little.
Good luck! If you are lost call Dr D on 054 445 3106 -- On On
MAP (truly questionable)
Just for kicks, the Highway 5 Wikipedia entry:
Friday 3rd November - 7pm
RSVP to Lager Lout: ruthfretwell@hotmail.com 
AND... Hash Weekend at the Dead Sea !!!
DATE: December 1-2, 2006
PLACE: Kibbutz Almog at the Dead Sea.
COST : 900 NIS for a couple for 2 nights (Kids prices to follow)
Price includes food and drink.
There are 8 rooms available at this price so first come first served.
Contact: Dr. Do-little avi.scb@gmail.com or Lager Lout ruthfretwell@hotmail.com
Several local events take place this Friday morning, including the Endure-Rosh HaAyin Womens' 10k Run - http://www.endure.co.il/newsWomentri.asp; an 8k run through the Ramat Gan Safari - http://www.4sport.co.il/cust/race/files/adv/294.html - (don't get eaten by a tiger); and of course, the Azrieli Center 40 story staircase climb - http://www.shvoong.co.il/bike/Azrieli/ - which will give you buns of steel, guaranteed.
CUTE: Geek cats
Nicked from the folks at www.b3ta.com who say that you can't really go wrong with a gallery of endearing cats. http://nodwick. humor.gamespy. com/cats/ cats.htm
An addictive website chock full o' sound bites. http://dailywav.com/index.php. Personal favorite: http://dailywav.com/0203/damnyouinternet.wav
N' CRAZY: Engrish.com
As maddening as it is to read the misspelled menus (mashrooms? jintonik? bulls balls?) and road signs (was that Caesarea we just passed? Qesarya? Kessaria? Oh damn, we're in Givat Olga), Israel still can't hold a candle to Japan. Check out http://www.engrish.com/
-- Boston Creamed

Get your email and see which of your friends are online - Right on the new Yahoo.com

30 October, 2006


The Hash weekend will be at Kibbutz Almog at the Dead Sea.
DATE : 1st & 2nd December 2006
COST : 900 NIS for a couple for 2 nights (Kids prices to follow)
Price includes food and drink.
There are 8 rooms available at this price so first come first served. Ditherers and those unable to make a decision will have to make there own arrangements with the Kibbutz.
On On
Dead Boring              

Cheap Talk? Check out Yahoo! Messenger's low PC-to-Phone call rates.

Everyone is raving about the all-new Yahoo! Mail.

25 October, 2006

HASH TRASH - Run 652

HASH TRASH - Run 652
Hare: Deliverance


Latroun is a centrally located junction in the middle of the country, geographically equidistant from Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, and even Ashdod. Nonetheless, many found the trip difficult to make (so they didn't come), or just plain difficult to find (Stroker). There there were those who got distracted along the way (Dr. Do-little, but we don't yet really know why). We were joined by several visitors from neighboring Kibbutz Gezer who were invited by Boston Creamed to witness the mire of debauchery into which their friend has sunk. I mean, to take a nice walk in the sunshine.

And so, a plucky little band of Hashers circled up in the shadow of the Lehi Forest memorial and set out in the direction of Highway 6. We ran down in the direction of a soon-to-be-built train station, then looped back up again towards Route 424. And up... and up... and up.. Somehow the run turned into a hike, runners turned into walkers, and men turned into gossipy she-males, discussing the latest in hydration accessories and mansierres.

Dr. Doolittle was quicker than usual in his ability to transport between the third and fourth dimensions, disappearing and appearing at will. Like any good time traveler*, however, he feigned innocence, claiming that Deliverance had set many "dead trails" and that he was merely following them.

The halfway mark song -- sung at the Latroun Chariots park -- was "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot", for the obvious thematic reason.

Joined by C3P0 and R2D2 on the second half, Deliverance warned that they might well make a tasty meal for a vicious dog spotted earlier. Cerberus did show up eventually, but was quickly cowed by Fer Fox Sake. The Front Running Boys sprang ahead and the Dead Last Adults ambled back to the starting point for Down-downs and crispy snacks.


A threatening message was received last week from the RA, of all people, who took umbrage at Humble Scribe's having impugned the British people's ability to drink all other peoples under the table, (especially Australians**) and warned Boston Creamed that she would need alternate arrangements for getting home on Saturday after the Down-downs were done.

Ironically enough, this did not turn out to be the case, as RA Dead Boring failed to turn up at Saturday's Hash, instead sleeping off a NIS 380 (per person!) bar tab incurred on Friday night. Assistant RA Fer Fox Sake stepped into the breach and in another ironic twist, Boston Creamed was given many Down-downs anyway.*** But the great irony about doing a run in Latroun is that we were but a spittoon's throw away from the famed Domaine de Latroun winery. Field trip next time, please.

The final word belongs to Dandruff, who writes from Australia that the charms of chemotherapy are wearing thin, particularly in the wine v. beer area. "People won't believe it but I am not enjoying my Chardonnay, I think the chemicals have changed my palette and I'm just not enjoying it so I'm not drinking, I keep checking to make sure if this is just temporary but so far no luck!! I might have to wait until I finish my chemo to finally enjoy a glass. I'll forward you a joke about Chardonnay you can put it in your next Hash Trash in my honour!!" This has been done (please scroll down).

*Or short cutter.
** His counter-argument: "Calculate Hashers per square mile and Britain has 3745.76 more than Australia."
*** Pouring beer on your head may be refreshing but the old story about it being good for your hair seems to be just a bunch of hooey.

FRBs - C3PO, R2D2
DLAs - Boston Creamed, Deliverance, Dr. Do-little, Fer Fox Sake, Twin Peaks, Stroker
Virgins - Amos, Lisa, Roxanne
Stevie Wonder Award - Fer Fox Sake
Triathlon Send-off - Deliverance
Chugging Demonstration for Guests - Boston Creamed (also, Suspicion of Being a Trekkie)
Missing RA - Lager Lout
Whinging - Dr. Do-little
FRB at the Bahrain Black H3 (no beer there) - Bravefart

: 3:00 pm
Place: Givatayim
FOOD ALERT: There will be an On On afterwards.

Twin Peaks writes:
Here are the directions for this Saturday's Hash. All Hasher's are asked to WEAR A BLACK CAPE. There will be a On On at my house following the Hash. Food will be provided by me. Just asking for all to bring a bottle of wine or whatever alcohol you like to drink.

Ayalon South to the HaShalom Exit at the light (Azrieli Center on right and the train station on left) TURN LEFT on to HaShalom Street. Straight through 10 traffic lights. Just pass the Paz Gas Station on the left at the ELEVENTH traffic light TURN LEFT on to KOURAZIN STREET. Parking lot up 200 meters on left.

From Route 4. Exit at the Bar Elan/Aluf Sadeh Interchange. Follow signs to Aluf Sadeh (LEFT LANE). Merge on to road and get into right hand lanes and follow signs to Tel Aviv/Ramat Gan. Straight through THREE traffic lights. At FOURTH traffic light make a RIGHT TURN on to KOURAZIN STREET. Parking lot up 200 meters on left

Any problems, look at a map or call Twin Peaks


Jack-Off Lantern writes: "So while you were doing Joe Button in the sun, we were doing it round the campfire with the Cub Scouts. Circles seem to be a theme!"

JOKE FROM DANDRUFF (currently Chardonnayically-challenged)
Do you have feelings of inadequacy?
Do you suffer from shyness?
Do you sometimes wish you were more assertive?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, ask your doctor or pharmacist about White Wine.

White Wine is the safe, natural way to feel better and more confident about yourself and your actions. White Wine can help ease you out of your shyness and let you tell the world that you're ready and willing to do just about anything.

You will notice the benefits of White Wine almost immediately, and with a regimen of regular doses you can overcome any obstacles that prevent you from living the life you want to live. Shyness and awkwardness will be a thing of the past, and you will discover many talents you never knew you had. Stop hiding and start living, with White Wine.

White Wine may not be right for everyone. Women who are pregnant or nursing should not use White Wine. However, women who wouldn't mind nursing or becoming pregnant are encouraged to try it. Side effects may include dizziness, nausea, vomiting, incarceration, erotic lustfulness, loss of motor control, loss of clothing, loss of money, loss of virginity, delusions of grandeur, table dancing, headache, dehydration, dry mouth, and a desire to sing Karaoke and play all-night rounds of Strip Poker, Truth Or Dare, and Naked Twister."

Along with the ever-fascinating topic of hydration accessories, the far less attractive topic of bloody nipples in men has again reared its fug-ugly head. There is, however, a product that may prove to be the life-saver we need to stop this conversation once and for all. Please click here: http://www.nipguards.com/

Will this lucky streak never end? We have now received word from Baron Raymond Raskonikov, claims director of the World Health Organization that we've won one million pounds sterling (£1,000,000) in a WHO drawing of fabulous cash prizes. And here we thought WHO was a stuffy organization that dealt solely with things of lesser importance like curing disease and eliminating famine. How little we know.*

* Note to Diabolo: Might it be possible to arrange winning a new car from USAID?

END NOTE: Quiz Night Draws Nigh !
Quiz Night - Friday 3rd November - 7pm
RSVP to Lager Lout: http://mail.yahoo.com/config/login?/ym/Compose?To=ruthfretwell@hotmail.com

TAKE NOTE: Hash Weekend... Hash Weekend... Hash Weekend...
Date: December 1-3, 2006
Place: Near a large salty body of water. Details to follow.
Contact: Dr. Do-little, Lager Lout

AND... Support your local dry cleaner
Get that tux in shape. British Embassy Annual Christmas Ball - December 16th, David Intercontinental Hotel, Tel Aviv.

-- Boston Creamed

19 October, 2006

HASH TRASH - Run 651

HASH TRASH - Run 651
Hares: Dead Boring, aided by Dr. Do-little
Somewhere out beyond Ramat HaSharon lies a small industrial zone surrounded by fields through which runs the Yarkon River. It was at that industrial zone, Area B at the gates of the Coca Cola factory, where we circled up around the Hares, whose shoes were suspiciously covered in red dirt and dust. What we didn't realize was that their shoes were wet as well.
We were joined by several newcomers: Liz, Ovadia, Roy and Trough Tender, who promised he'd explain his Hash name at a later date.*
On-on! The trail led us through fields of dry grass, white chalky roads, and into a wooded glade. This sounds nicer than it really was, as over the past holiday week every field and wooded glade was filled with picnickers, every chalk field overrun with ATV-ers. However, we made it past these obstacles and straight into the Yarkon's polluted waters. Twice.
Squish-squish, squish-squish. Brush those thoughts of E-coli aside -- there is nothing quite like water between your toes inside your shoes to make you feel about 9 years old again. Humble Scribe highly recommends it as a refreshing experience.
The song at the Halfway point was Joe the Button* which the Americans had to learn while doing. It is quite a fun song, with plenty of calisthenic activity, and should generally be sung (as we did) off the side of a highway, in a ditch, away from the prying eyes of the public.
C3PO and R2D2 received their 50 Run badges during the Down-downs. We congratulate them both and hope to award them 75 Run badges in half a year's time or a decade. This will depend on how interesting we continue to be.
One Hasher who was noticably absent this week, text-messaged the following message upon her return to Israel on Sunday: "...and the FRB at the Bahrain Black Hash was none other than... Bravefart!" So, Here's to her, she's a blue**, etc. etc.
We are now entering into the rainy season. Humble Scribe therefore no longer feels it necessary to comment on the varying degrees of heat (hot; very hot; very, very hot; excruciatingly hot; hellishly hot, August, etc.) and will recommence regular reports when the real weather ends.
* Googling didn't help.
** Prompt (case sensitive) - User ID: shiggy / Password: gispert
*** Ibid
FRB - Diabolo
DFL - Ovadia
Virgins - Liz, Ovadia, Roy, Trough Tender
Barbie Doll Award (for Much Pink Clothing) - Twin Peaks
Trying to Influence the RA - Stroker
50 Runs - C3PO, R2D2
Job Hunting - Ovadia
Poured Too Much Beer - Lager Lout
Date: Saturday, October 21
Time: 3:00 pm
Place: Lehi Park near Latrun.

Deliverance writes:

From Herzliya and Tel Aviv (about a 30 minute drive from Herzliya):
Take the Ayalon to Highway 1 towards Jerusalem and the airport. You will eventually see signs for Latrun. Exit at Latrun and make your first right by the large coffee shop and gas station. Continue down the street, pass Mini-Israel and go up the winding hill. At the top of the hill start to look for the park entrance on your right. Your Hare will be waiting...

If you get lost, please call Deliverance
MAP (purloined from Mini-Israel)
Global Trash last week sent out a message listing the Top Twenty Nations by Number of Hashes. The US is in first place, as is to be expected for a country of its size. Interestingly, Australia comes in second with 223, only then followed by the UK with 213, but if one counts New Zealand with 52, then the margin dividing Britain from its former colonies Down Under is unexpectedly wide. Hmm... let's think... The only factor strong enough to skew the statistics so greatly must be... beer!, which is still consumed with gusto in Australia, while the British have gone all soft and Euro-trashy, perhaps taking to drinking white wine spritzers at their Hashes. It's a theory. Anyway, here's the list:

United States of America: 458
Australia: 223
United Kingdom: 213
Malaysia: 127
Indonesia: 70
New Zealand: 52
Canada: 46
Thailand: 30
Germany: 28
Japan: 21
Philippines: 19
China, People's Republic of: 16
Korea, Republic of (South): 16
France: 15
India: 15
Brunei Darussalam: 12
Nigeria: 12
Papua New Guinea: 12
South Africa: 12
Turkey: 12
Lager Lout writes:
Dear All,
Quiz Night is fast approaching.
Friday 3rd November - 7pm
Put the date in your diaries. Details to follow. Forward to anyone interested.
Please RSVP to me. ruthfretwell@hotmail.com
AND... Hash Weekend!
Save the weekend of December 1-3. That's the date set for this year's Hash Weekend. Contact your local committee member for more details or write to this address, and someone will reach out and touch you.
The British Embassy Annual Christmas Ball will be held on December 16th at the David Intercontinental Hotel in Tel Aviv. More details to come, but meanwhile, it's probably best to get all black ties and ball gowns to the cleaners now.

-- Boston Creamed


11 October, 2006

HASH TRASH - Run 650

HASH TRASH - Run 650
Three Blobs and a T?
Hares: Neverfucker, aided by Dr. Do-little
It was not very hot, the weather and the clocks having changed over the past week, and the Ra'anana run commenced at the new 3:00 pm winter starting time. We were joined by newly-arrived newly-weds Mary K. Letourn-Ho and Loose Caboose, lately of Portland, Oregon and the Portland Hump Hash and presently of Ashdod, which greatly expands the reach of the Holyland HHH almost to Gaza, but don't go getting any ideas.
Taco Balls was on vacation this week but Bravefart took up the tardy mantle in his stead, which vexed the RA greatly. Let it be known: Lateness is not tolerated!* The circle was encircled, directions were directed, instructions were instructed and on-on went we.
Humble Scribe was a walker this past weekend, and was therefore not witness to the goings-on during the run, but it was reportedly good yet bad, sand and dirt-filled yet paved and clean, long yet short. Who said you can't please everybody?
Make that, you can't please nobody. Dead Boring wasn't loud enough, according to Deliverance; Neverfucker and Dr. D mismarked the trail with three blobs of flour followed by a T, according to Twin Peaks; and Deliverance and Twin Peaks were whingers (US: whiners), according to Dead Boring.
Despite being the bickering Bickersons during the run, at the end we all sat around on the grass for quite a long time before and after the Down-downs, just enjoying the weather, pretzels and potato chips (UK: crisps), and one another's company.
We learned some things we did not know before, for example, that in the past beagles had been used to test the effects of cigarette smoke on humans; that the Portland Humpin' Hash House Harriers doesn't sell T-shirts**; and that Twin Peaks has an excellent kidney-shaped reason for wearing all the hydration accessories she wants during a run, especially after completing a 21K run that morning in two hours and three minutes. Congratulations are in order, however, whinging will still not be tolerated!***
Take heed: the RA has rediscovered the plastic bag containing all the Hash Shit gear and intends to use it until such time as it gets misplaced again.
* Actually, given the evidence, it is.
** But we do! Sales of our own were made promptly afterwards.
*** Well, it still often is, come to think of it.
FRB - Dead Boring
Virgins - Mary K. Letourn-Ho, Loose Caboose
DFL - Loose Caboose
No Hash Shirt - Mary K. Letourn-Ho
Hash Shit - Twin Peaks
Demanding a Brit Speak More Loudly Than She - Deliverance
Beagle Award for Bumming Cigarettes - Neverfucker
No Reason (left over beer) - Boston Creamed, Bravefart, Lager Lout, Stroker
Time: 3:00 pm
Place: Meet in the car park of the Coca Cola factory - Hod Hasharon.
Dead Boring writes:
Take the 5 exiting at Petah Tiqwa Hod Hasharon. Head north on the 40. Take a left at traffic lights (it is either the first or second set can't remember) signposted AREA B. Coca Cola factory is on the left.
Alternatively take the 40 from the north and carry on till you see Coca Cola factory which will be on the right.
It really could not be any simpler so if you are lost you should not be allowed out alone.
On On - Dead Boring
(Put this number to memory then destroy this message or I might have to kill you!!)
AND... Phedippidations Phinalists
The First Annual Worldwide Half Marathon was concluded successfully this past weekend! Israeli participants included Boston Creamed, Captain Caveman, Diabolo, FerFoxSake (the Runner Down Under), Goldmember, Twin Peaks and some guy in Haifa we don't know. Check out: http://www.buckeyeoutdoors.com/cgi-bin/wwhm/results?team=Israel
MUSICAL INTERLUDE; Why Kim Jong Il did it
NEWS FLASH: They Wash Among Us
The neoLuddite Resistance Army reports another attack of killer machines on hapless humans.
IN CLOSING... Factory Fun (a Web classic)
http://blueballfixed.ytmnd.com/ (takes a few seconds to download)

-- Boston Creamed

04 October, 2006

HASH TRASH - Run 649

HASH TRASH - Run 649
The Circle Game
Hare: Boston Creamed
It was very hot again, despite meteorological assurances that it would be merely hot. We were joined by visiting Hashers Ben and Dave, who "wander the world doing as little as possible", a statement that could not fail to elicit sighs of envy from those of us who must stay in one place to accomplish the same.
Taco Balls called and said he would arrive in 10 minutes. 11 minutes later, we circled up, still Taco Ball-less. The Hare explained the run's concept*: circles, circles and more circles. The rule of the day: every time a traffic circle was encountered, the runners were to go around it three times. This worked well for the first part, and the Diamond Bourse area was dizzily explored to the last garbage-filled, urine-stained corner.
Things broke down near the halfway point when the walker and the runners met up at the corner of Tel Aviv's Arlozorov and Menachem Begin streets, the walkers having overshot Tel Aviv's Jabotinsky street (due to faulty instructions given by the Hare, who violated Hash Rule No. 46, Paragraph 2**) and further confused by the fact that Ramat Gan's Jabotinsky street connects to Tel Aviv's Arlozorov. Ack.
After several frantic cell phone calls, the walkers and runners -- joined by Taco Balls, Michelle and Michael -- met up again in the geometric center of Tel Aviv's biggest roundabout, Kikar HaMedina, for a quick rendition of Ring Around the Rosie (Ring Around the Roses)*** followed -- by request-- with Swing Low Sweet Chariot (with requisite hand gestures).
The "three times around the circle" rule was waived for Kikar HaMedina, and the runners set off Ramat Gan-wards. The front runners missed a hold but Grand Master Dr. Do-little did much, shooting ahead in a burst of speed to call them back. Eventually, we all met up again for beer that was either too warm or too cold, depending on whether you say "traffic circle" or "roundabout", "Rosie" or "Roses"****.
* Make that conceit.
** The first rule of Hashing may be that there are no rules, but there sure are a lot of conventions to uphold.
*** Circle theme again!
**** The regionalisms don't end there. Check out: http://www.popvssoda.com/
RA - Dead Boring
FRB: Dead Boring
SCB Dr. Do-little
Virgins - Dave, Ben
Late - Taco Balls (clock change was that night, not that afternoon!)
Breaking Rule No. 46, Paragraph 2 - Boston Creamed
Missing Hold - Dead Boring, Diabolo, Stroker
Flying - Deliverance
Hash Brats - C3PO, Michael, Pussycat, R2D2
200 Runs - Lager Lout
Walking While Dressed Like a Runner - Bravefart
Jabotinskily Challenged - Lager Lout, Twin Peaks
Directions to Run 650
Place: Ra'anana
Neverfucker writes: Let's meet at 3 at Gadi Notes park on Borochov St. in Ra'anana. Some Hashers will remember that this is the park with the large fountain, where the Ra'anana youth practice Kapoeira on Saturdays.

From Herzliya Pituach:
Cross #2 Highway going EAST on Menachem Begin St. and go all the way to
the end.
LEFT onto Derech Yerushalayim (towards Ra'anana)
RIGHT onto Achuza St. going EAST. Go straight until you reach the built
up area.
LEFT onto Borochov St. at the Kodak store.
STRAIGHT through 2 traffic circles, and Gadi Notes Park will be on
your left. Look for the large fountain, and park on the street.

From Tel Aviv / Kochav Yair / other
Take Highway #4 to Ra'anana exit and turn onto Ahuza St. going WEST.
Go straight until you reach the built up area.
RIGHT onto Borochov St. at the Kodak store.
STRAIGHT through 2 traffic circles, and Gadi Notes Park will be on
your left. Look for the large fountain, and park on the street.

The Hare(s) will be waiting at Gadi Notes Park (on your left).
Lost? Call Neverfucker: 054 802 7498

Oddly enough, despite its large English-speaking population, the Municipality of Ra'anana has not yet updated their website to include a proper map of the area. Here is a lovely satellite view of the city instead.
FYI: The Blogosphere To The Rescue!
Don't remember when you're scheduled to set the Hash?
Wonder no more. Just click here:
AND... Join in the Virtual Half-Marathon
No matter where you are in the world, you can be part of the First Annual Phedippidations World Wide Half Marathon - simply register online and then run 21k on October 7 or 8.
IN CLOSING - We're Winners!
Hurrah! The Holyland Hash House Harriers have won the Powerball Euro E-Mail Lottery! According to our ticket agent, one Mr. Andrew Gordon, our "winning ticket number 219028657434 with serial number 918735625 drew the lucky numbers of 21-70-81-82-99, which consequently won the lottery in the 1st category." Mr. Gordon goes on to say that we "have therefore been approved for a lump sum payment of 1,000,000.00 euros only, which is deposited with the United Kingdom Clearing house in your favor as beneficiary and covered with HIGH INSURANCE POLICY." Thank goodness for that.
In his excitement, Mr. Gordon then breaks down into gibberish, stating: "it is important that you keep your winning confidential to avoid people garnering your information and subsequently making claim with your winning paraphernalia information’s, POWERBALL EURO E-MAIL INTERNATIONAL will decline payment if such irregularity occurs."
Mr. Gordon may be contacted at the following Hong Kong Yahoo! mail address - contact_officer201@yahoo.com.hk - but having now told everyone about the win (and posted it on the H4 blog), Hash Scribe has allowed for the garnering of information and irregularly contravened the lottery terms for our winning paraphenalia so payment of the 1 million euros will likely be declined. These things happen. Sorry.

-- Boston Creamed

Why keep checking for Mail? The all-new Yahoo! Mail shows you when there are new messages.