27 August, 2010

Hash Trash Run 857, Directions to Run 858

August is hot in Israel, just saying, something to keep in mind when you set your hash.  And it was particularly sad for this weeks hashers to set off on a run (although we didn't know how long it was going to be) without the promise of beer at the end.  Would this be the first ever dry hash???? (Not if we could find an open bar).
Fortunately, Caveman broke the no phone on the hash rule to find out that Deliverance had arrived at the starting point with beer.  The hash was saved, and good thing with 7 km uphill all the way, on steps, in the middle of Jaffa.  The wounded and the out of shape opted to walk back (thanks for the escort Double Entry!).
Down Downs
Hare: Quickie
FRB: Spit or Swallow
DFL: Fluffer
Shortcutting: Quickie, TastyKakes
7K in AUGUST!!!!: QUickie
Wife Abandonment: Spit or Swallor, Betty Cocker
Good Samaritan: Double Entry
A Dog is no substitute for a husband: TastyKakes
Stiff Leg: Stiff Meat
Misnaming: Deliverance
Directions to run 858
This weeks hash is a "Cover your moneymaker"  for most of us that is your noggen, cranium, skull, or head. So wear your favorite, crazy, or interesting hat for the hash. See you there. Start location is below:

Lost call Pig Woman: 0526328659

Start is at Saadii Gaon parking lot

Hare Roster - No one volunteered so I'm assigning you.  You are responsible to find your own replacement if you can't do it on the day you are assigned.
Sep 4 - Deliverance
Sep 11 - TastyKakes
Sep 18 - No hash (Yom Kippur)
Sep 25 - Double Entry
Oct 2 - Fluffer
Oct 9 - Betty Cocker
Oct 16 - Crock Sucker
Oct 23 - AmboHo
Oct 30 - Pig Woman
Nov 6 - Quickie
Nov 13 - Spit or Swallow
Nov 20 - Deliverance
Nov 27 - Boston Creamed
Dec 4 - FartSmella
Dec 11 - Twin Peaks
Hash Scribe

26 August, 2010

ofrezca su inmueble a traves de internet sin costos de publicidad y mercadeo// llegue a muchos usuarios sin costo para usted // BOLSA INMOBILIARIA NACIONAL DE CORREDORESY AVALUADORES INMOBILIARIOS DE COLOMBIA (publicidad)

19 August, 2010

Down Downs Run 856, Directions to Run 857

Down Downs from Run 856


FRB pig women

Should be the FRB but cheated, therefore will carry the annoying stuff next week: itch my rail

DFL just jack

Returnees: just jack, itch my rail, Fart smella, crocksucker, quickie

Last hash as singles: Fart smella, crocksucker

Relieving: crocksucker , Fluffer, just jack, pig women

Misnaming: spit or swallow, fart smella

Shortcutting: itch my rail, Fart smella


Directions to Run 857 - 5pm on Saturday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This week's run will start at  Chroningen Garden. Everyone knows where that is? No?
From North and South, come on the Ayalon and exit at Kibbutz Galuyot exit, west (towards Yaffo).
After a few traffic lights turn left on Shlavim road and immediately right onto Sheerit Israel, and Chroningen Garden is on your left after 150m (just before you get to Blumfield stadium), parking available on both sides of the street.
Lost? Call your Hare,  Quickie at 054 4531333

Hare Roster

Scribe feels overwhelmed, will figure out the roster at some point...

August 28 - Pig Woman

September 4 - Deliverance

Hash Scribe

17 August, 2010

DIPLOMADO INTERNACIONAL Empaques Envases, Embalajes



El único DIPLOMADO INTERNACIONAL en Empaques Envases y Embalajes con siete años continuos capacitando a la industria de América Latina.


DIRIGIDO A: Gerentes Generales; Gerentes De Marca; Produccion, Calidad, Ventas de materiales de empaque, Diseño, Investigación y Desarrollo; Compras…

Desde su oficina o casa por sistema de Aula Virtual  E-learning.

DURACION: Seis meses. Total 144 horas. Tres niveles, cada uno con una intensidad de 6 horas semanales durante 8 semanas, y un gran total de 24 semanas, 144 horas.

Este Diplomado es el único 100% via internet donde se utiliza una plataforma e-learning donde usted puede consultar y bajar sus documentos de estudio las 24 horas. Cada semana tenemos reunión vía chat messenger para compartir opiniones, y técnicas sobre temas específicos entre los participantes y el profesor.

Para ampliar información sobre temática, matrículas y costos, o para consultar sobre quienes ya lo han realizado por favor use el siguiente enlace: http://www.envapack.com/diplomado

Para SUSCRIBIRSE GRATIS a la revista Online EnvaPack.com use este enlace http://www.envapack.com/boletin  

 Copyright ENVAPACK 2010. All rights reserved. www.envapack.com
 Powered by GroupMail

13 August, 2010

Directions to Run 856

This coming Hash Run starts from 14 Jabotinski St, Ramat Hasharon at 17.00.


Bring a lot of good Spirit and be prepared to Sweat.


From Namir(Hfa) Rd. -Kibutz Galutyoth Jnct-R Nr. 5 Rd.till Kfar Hayaroq Jnct (take Middle Lane) , Left on to Sokolov St, 3rd. Traffic Light left- Weitzman St, after 1Km becomes Jabotinski st.

From South Tel Aviv- Sderoth Rokach till the end Moshe Sneh St, left - straight past  Kfar Hayaroq Jnct. -Sokolov St, 3rd. Traffic Light left- Weitzman St, after 1Km becomes Jabotinski st.

From ,Nr.4 Rd(Geha)-Morasha Jnct   on to Nr. 5 Rd.till Kfar Hayaroq Jnct ,right lane on to Sokolov St, 3rd. Traffic Light left- Weitzman St, after 1Km becomes Jabotinski st.

See link to a Map without a flag


Lost - reach out to Double Entry

Hare Roster - please make it easy on me and sign up!!!  E-mail Hash Trash (sorry the Scribe is preoccupied by her husband visiting the country)


August 21 - Quickie
August 28 - Pig Woman

September 4 - Deliverance

Hash Scribe

05 August, 2010

Directions to Run 855

News Flash - the Hash has been selected to receive 1M British Pounds from some poor Nigerian prince.  If anyone would like to proffer their bank account information to take advantage of this offer, let me know.

Directions to Run 855

The Hare guesses the Hash will start at 5PM (if we can stop drinking long enough to circle up).  For a map, click here


Take Route 4 North (from Ashdod).

Straight under Route 5.

Straight through the next lights (approx. 8 kms)

Pass a gas station on your right and get into the right lane.

Take first exit from the right to Kefar Sava.

Continue straight for approx. 4.5 kms till the first rotary.

At the rotary turn Left. There will be a grassy area on your right.

Go 400 meters to the end.

Look for a drunken hare.

Lost? 052-2445644  Captain Caveman

Hare Roster

August 14 - Double Entry
August 21 - Quickie
August 28 - Pig Woman

September 4 - Deliverance

Hash Scribe