Happy 59th Birthday
Place: Rishpon
Hares: Shock & Awe, aided by Doggie Style
Rishpon is an affluent suburb just north of even more affluent Kfar Shmaryahu. It's famous for real estate, furniture stores and an excellent running shop. It's also mentioned on the eDiplomat site for its riding stables. But Rishpon of yesteryear, where Humble Scribe spent several childhood summer visits collecting eggs and feeding cows, was a town of farms. Google the word "Rishpon" and you'll find it features prominently on the website "History of Tractor and Agricultural Machinery in Israel", a collection of tractors and agricultural machines located at Moshav Ein-Vered in the Sharon. Who knew?
Aside from the occasional riding horse, dogs are more or less the only livestock one sees in Rishpon today but even they stayed a safe distance from our merry Hashing band, as we traversed streets, sidewalks and even some fields. Israel Independence Day being the upcoming holiday, several Hashers were dressed in blue and white but Caveman bested everyone with a large Israeli flag-hat (or a hat-shaped Israeli flag). In keeping with the occasion, the halfway song was a round of "Happy Birthday" that can only be described as wince-provoking.*
A wind blew up as we headed in for the Down-downs, the weather went chilly and, in a horrifying turn of events, we ran out of beer! This shocking incident must not and will be repeated, otherwise someone** is due for a Down-down -- and if they will just bring some more beer we can get started on that next week.
We received word this week from Turn-ho that she returned to Portland safely despite our best efforts. She writes that she got "some interesting looks in security" when they saw the Hash Shit toilet seat bestowed upon her and Loose Caboose, but no arrests were made.
* In that it provoked several winces and a few involuntary tics and twitches. But everyone survived.
** The Beer-Meister, maybe?
*** As a matter of fact, he said it couldn't help but be!
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Happy 59th Birthday
Place: Rishpon
Hares: Shock & Awe, aided by Doggie Style
Rishpon is an affluent suburb just north of even more affluent Kfar Shmaryahu. It's famous for real estate, furniture stores and an excellent running shop. It's also mentioned on the eDiplomat site for its riding stables. But Rishpon of yesteryear, where Humble Scribe spent several childhood summer visits collecting eggs and feeding cows, was a town of farms. Google the word "Rishpon" and you'll find it features prominently on the website "History of Tractor and Agricultural Machinery in Israel", a collection of tractors and agricultural machines located at Moshav Ein-Vered in the Sharon. Who knew?
Aside from the occasional riding horse, dogs are more or less the only livestock one sees in Rishpon today but even they stayed a safe distance from our merry Hashing band, as we traversed streets, sidewalks and even some fields. Israel Independence Day being the upcoming holiday, several Hashers were dressed in blue and white but Caveman bested everyone with a large Israeli flag-hat (or a hat-shaped Israeli flag). In keeping with the occasion, the halfway song was a round of "Happy Birthday" that can only be described as wince-provoking.*
A wind blew up as we headed in for the Down-downs, the weather went chilly and, in a horrifying turn of events, we ran out of beer! This shocking incident must not and will be repeated, otherwise someone** is due for a Down-down -- and if they will just bring some more beer we can get started on that next week.
We received word this week from Turn-ho that she returned to Portland safely despite our best efforts. She writes that she got "some interesting looks in security" when they saw the Hash Shit toilet seat bestowed upon her and Loose Caboose, but no arrests were made.
END NOTE: Humble Scribe will be on vacation for two weeks during which time Fer Fox Sake has graciously consented to take over H4 scribing responsibilities. He promises that an Australian-accented Hash Trash will be "much funnier"***, so please hold him to his word.
* In that it provoked several winces and a few involuntary tics and twitches. But everyone survived.
** The Beer-Meister, maybe?
*** As a matter of fact, he said it couldn't help but be!
Hares - Shock & Awe, Doggie Style
FRB - Fer Fox Sake
SCB - Dr. Do-little, Triar Fruck
4 Spies - Bravefart, Claire, Richard
Marathon - Dead Boring
Ultra Marathon - FFS
Dr. Seuss - Captain Caveman (hat)
Returnees - Dead Boring, Doggie Style, Lager Lout, Shock & Awe
No Way in Hell [is Pussycat coming to the Hash anymore] - Lager Lout
Stevie Wonder [RU Humpin'? No!] - Loose Caboose
Virgins - Karen, William
Shite British Cricket Team - Claire, Dead Boring, Karen, Lager Lout, Richard, William
FRB - Fer Fox Sake
SCB - Dr. Do-little, Triar Fruck
4 Spies - Bravefart, Claire, Richard
Marathon - Dead Boring
Ultra Marathon - FFS
Dr. Seuss - Captain Caveman (hat)
Returnees - Dead Boring, Doggie Style, Lager Lout, Shock & Awe
No Way in Hell [is Pussycat coming to the Hash anymore] - Lager Lout
Stevie Wonder [RU Humpin'? No!] - Loose Caboose
Virgins - Karen, William
Shite British Cricket Team - Claire, Dead Boring, Karen, Lager Lout, Richard, William
Date: April 28, 2007
Time: 4:00pm
Hare: Russian Bride, aided by FFS
Take Highway 2 NORTH to Yaqum junction. There's a service station with a Cafe Buono and some other shops. The starting point is round the back.
Lost? Call Russian Bride
Savoring history down to the last drop...
From a letter was addressed to the Kuala Lumpur HHH in 1958 by Cecil Lee, one of the co-founders of the Hash House Harriers. The full text can be found here, but this excerpt nicely delineates the values at the core of Hashing: "merry and bright", non-competitive, running in packs, disorganization, an emphasis on refreshment and, of course, short cuts (or, as Lee puts it, "the conservation of energy"). Enjoy.
"The Hash House Harriers were founded in a moment of post-prandial inspiration at the Selangor Club Chambers, about 1937/38, by the inmates, who included myself, E.J. Galvin, H.M. Doig, and A.S. Gispert. Gispert was the real founder a man of great wit and charm, who was killed on Singapore Island in February 1942 whilst serving with the Argylls, having only just returned from leave in Australia to rejoin the volunteers. I am glad of this opportunity to salute his memory. He was a splendid fellow, and would be happy to know the Harriers are still going strong, and are as merry and bright as ever - or more so. Gispert was not an athlete, and stress was laid as much on the subsequent refreshment etc. as on the pure and austere running. It was non-competitive, and abounded in slow packs. Life was then conservative rather than competitive.
"The name was a mock allusion to the institution that housed and fed us. Later 'Torch' Bennett returned from leave, and produced order out of chaos - a bank account, balance sheet and some system. But we pride ourselves on being rather disorganised - or the minimum organization sufficed. The original joint masters were myself and 'Horse' Thompson, still running somewhere a past-master at short-cuts and the conservation of energy."
It's happening on Friday April 27th.
From the '2' , exit at the Shmaryahu Junction and go towards the sea on Keren Hayesod. At the mini-roundabout by the Tavola restaurant go right round and back on yourself. Turn first right on Shalva and keep going past Basel & Shevet Menashe. As soon as you see the small park on the right find a parking space. Between the park and the houses on the left of the park there is a little conifer-lined path. It's the house at the end of this path. The usual ? signs will be up.
IMPORTANT: Please bring your own drinks and some food to share.
MORE IMPORTANT: RSVP to ruthfretwell@hotmail.com
27.4.2007 - Dalia Run - Contact: Shvoong - 1 700 700 305
28.4.2007 - Herzliya Run - 10k, 2k - Contact: dovevm@gmail.com - Dovev Mazor
Starting point is at the Herzliya Country Club
5.5.2007 - Gezer Run - 10k, 5k, 2k - Contact: Shvoong - 1 700 700 305 -
5.5.2007 - Jordan Valley Triathlon - 03-6764008
11.5.2007 - Gaash Run - 10k, 5k - www.realtiming.co.il - Registration closes 8.5.2007
12.5.2007 - Shoham Run - 03-9794003
12.5.2007 - Country Gimel Run - Contact: Shvoong - 1 700 700 305 -
18.5.2007 - Park HaMayim (Water Park) Run - Contact: Shvoong - 1 700 700 305 -
18.5.2007 - Netanya Triathlon - Contact: 03-6764008
2.6.2007 - Herzliya Women's Trialthlon - Contact: 09 774 9015, 052 358 0004 - www.women-tri.com
16.6.2007 - Tel Aviv Triathlon - Contact: 03-6764008
"Where Beer and Idiocy Meet"
Boston Creamed
Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell?
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