04 August, 2006

HASH TRASH - Run 640

HASH TRASH - Run 640
Hot n' Heavy in Hadera

It was not so hot, unlike in previous weeks, the beer nicely chilled, and the trail laid out in plenty of time. Perhaps unaware of these idyllic Hashing conditions, few Holyland HHH members made the trek northwards to Hadera and so missed the long-awaited for naked Hash followed by Down-downs and orgy. Fortunately, in place of the regulars were several surprise vistors from the Stockholm Ja-Ja Leather n' Rubber Flight Attendants HHH, outstanding among them: Inga On-On, Karl Kum Hashing, Randy Dandy Down-Down-Down, and Shiggy Shaggy Soren. Sorry you-all missed it. It was fun.

Hare - Deliverance (aided by Boston Creamed)
RA - Deliverance
FRB - Bravefart
DFL - Diabolo
DFR - Bravefart
Somthing else (I forget what) - Diabolo
Bad Fashion - Boston Creamed (wore pouch*)

*Argh! Someone had to!

Directions to Run 641
Saturday, August 5 2006
4:00 pm

We will meet in Tel Aviv's fabulous Kikar HaMedina !!!
It's big and round (see map).
Lost? Call Dr. Doolittle

-- Boston Creamed